Monday, July 14, 2014

Around the World with Dance

Exploring a Different Style Everyday

The Elementary students practice a different style of dance every day of the week to broaden their exposure to dance and culture. We start off the week with the Cha Cha, then we continue with Hip Hop, Ballet, and Chinese Dance. We like to explore different parts of the world through the art of dancing.

Cha Cha

We learned how to hold the hand position for the Cha cha.

We practiced with music with a partner to get the feeling of dancing with someone else.


We practice our relevé in the center. This develops our calve muscles and our sense of balance.

Chinese Dance

The "Dolphin" helps us warm up our backs and make us more flexible.
"Our feet smell funny."

Although the splits are hard, with practice, one day we will be able to go all the way down!

The more advanced students stretch their backs on the bar and the younger students practice on the floor.

After that, we take out the mats to do the "Bridge".

Lastly, we practice our summersaults.

With more practice we will be more confident of the movements and routines. Dance helps us become aware of our bodies, develops our patience, and allows us to gain better control of our muscles. Dance is not just for us, but can be for you too!

July 8-11, 2014 - Elementary, San Mateo

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